Test-Pitting at Crowcombe

Published by Dan Broadbent on

Following this summer’s excavations in search of the lost medieval manor, this autumn we will be back in Crowcombe to continue our programme of Village Test Pitting.

On the weekend of 8th and 9th of October, along with archaeologists from Past Participate, will be helping local residents dig small test pits in their own gardens in search of evidence for the origins of Crowcombe.

Test-Pitting is a well-used technique for both engaging communities in archaeological research and for providing information in occupied areas which other methods cannot access. No experience is necessary; participants will be supervised by professional archaeologists to learn how to dig a test-pit and identify and record archaeological contexts. They will gain experience of finds identification and recording. Perhaps most importantly, they will be adding to our understanding of the historic development of their own village.

The first records of an estate at Crowcombe date from the mid-9th century, however the early development of the village can only really be understood though archaeological investigation. It is possible that significant archaeological deposits might still exist in the grounds of existing houses.

Specific research aims for the weekend include identifying evidence of any expansion or contraction of the village, or migration of foci during the medieval and post-medieval periods. Test pitting also has the potential to identify evidence of any prehistoric, Roman, or post-Roman activity within Crowcombe.

If you are a resident of Crowcombe and have a garden you would like to investigate, or are willing for archaeologists to investigate; if you would don’t have a garden but would like to dig; or if you like to get involved with finds washing, help with logistics, or serving tea and cake, please contact our Historic Heritage Officer Dan at dan.broadbent@somerset.gov.uk or Hayley at info@pastparticipate.co.uk for more information.

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